Find A Fresh Perspective 2020
It’s a new year and a new decade. Opportunities abound to find a fresh perspective 2020 that will move your business forward. You are probably bursting with ideas to get going and start fresh. You may not want to look backwards at mistakes and failures. Indeed, as entrepreneurs we often want to avoid the “rear view window syndrome”. Review Last Year But to find a fresh perspective 2020 we need to take time to reflect not only on our wins for last year but also our failures. So get out a pen and paper or power up a word doc and dive in. You definitely want to set aside a…
Padlock Still Showing on Your Site?
Padlock Still Showing on Your Site? I was so frustrated!!! I googled how to get https on my WordPress site as I wanted to make all my content secure for visitors. I installed the Really Simple SSL plugin and thought I was good to go when I activated it. My WordPress dashboard showed the https but when I viewed my site the padlock with the yellow warning sign was still showing. This warns visitors the site isn’t secure. Padlock Solution What the heck! I went to the site “Why No Padlock” to scan my site for problems. Great site! It quickly showed me I had an image in a widget…
100 Days Left in 2018
100 Days Left in 2018 Even in Southern California fall is in the air. Cooler mornings, pumpkin spice lattes and the changing colors of leaves. Today there are only 100 days left in 2018 and I know you want to finish your year strong. And if this hasn’t been your best year yet it’s not too late to start….ANYTHING…to get you out of the rut of procrastination and finish the year strong. Even small daily wins can be a huge mind shift. They build confidence to keep going. Confidence in one area often crosses over into other areas. It can be so easy to lose sight of our ultimate goals…
Vacation Tanks Productivity
Vacation Tanks Productivity Currently I am vacationing in Miami and having a fabulous time visiting my daughter. Nothing like 9 days to relax, unwind, sight see and visit funky restaurants with fabulous food. Not to mention the girl chat that uplifts the soul. But my normal productivity routine tanked. The upside of this is the time I have had to reevaluate my routines and gain some insights from my daughter, who works from home. It’s great to actually see someone else in action verses reading about productivity habits. Habits Determine Your Success We all have different success habits and habits are powerful. They shape your entire day in ways you…
Managing Your Health for Success
Health for Success The older I get the more I realize I have to focus on my health to be my absolute best. I use to think the sins of my youth weren’t that bad and I could just skate along and everything would be fine. Eat fairly well, pop a few supplements and I would be good to go. Well, that hasn’t worked out. Duh! I find myself in my 6th decade heavier than I have ever been and it’s tougher to lose the pounds that I could easily keep off until about 50. The extra weight tires me out, slows me down and interferes with my concentration. The…
Is Selling Your Business an Option?
Many of us are online entrepreneurs and our business is us…our brand, what we love, and we wouldn’t want to sell. But I also know plenty of us sell parts of our business when the timing is right or think about doing it. That could be niche sites that no longer interest us, FB pages, Kindle pen names for series you don’t want to do anymore, domain names etc. One of my new streams of income is Merch by Amazon, where my partner and I design T-Shirts to sell on Amazon and receive royalty payments. We can create them in all kinds of niches and for businesses too. We are…
Google Analytics Measures Success
If you have a blog and it’s getting traffic and sales you need Google Analytics to measure your success. It’s a free service offered by google to track and report your blogs traffic on every page and is easy to set up. There is a premium option available too but the free version is just fine to start. What Hidden Secrets Can You Discover? So why use it? The more you know what visitors to your site do the better you can tweak your blog and increase sales and optins to your list and engagement. Some of the things you can see tracked for you in a report are: See…
What the Heck are Chatbots?!
Chatbots seem all the rage and especially Facebook Messenger Bots. Basically a chatbot is a computer software program which mimics written or spoken language to engage someone in conversation. Sometimes a customer support live chat on a site is really a bot. So no…you aren’t chatting with a live person in this case. Facebook Messenger Bots My focus today is on the increasingly popular Facebook Messenger Bots. Matt Wolfe of Evergreen Profits says they work like crazy in many ways and especially to help you grow your list. To quote him: “Here are a few ways that you can grow a chatbot list: Add a “Chat with us” box on…
Multitasking is Distraction
I remember when I was a young mom with babies and toddlers and I embraced multitasking. I could change a diaper, hold a conversation, wipe a runny nose…you name it I could do it…and it worked. But multitasking in business is distraction..a total myth.We tend to think we are being more productive when we multitask but the truth is we aren’t giving the proper attention and focus at hand to be super productive. Have you tried to listen to a webinar and write a blog post at the same time? Your concentration will be all over the place! And I get it. My mind wants to flutter around as soon…
The Upside of Distractions
I’m currently participating in a 30 day distraction challenge I mentioned the other day put together by Angela Wills, coach and business owner of Laptop Lifestyle Youniversity. We are currently focusing on the many different things that distract us in our businesses and keep us from moving forward. But at the same time some of those things are platforms or items that also have an upside. On that note I found this article interesting on the upside of distractions and wanted to share it with you here. As in all things we need to use discernment. To quote his post Nir Eyal says: “Distraction certainly has a price. Nonetheless, we…