• Mindset

    Behaviors Blocking Your Online Success

    Behaviors Blocking Your Online Success Success means many different things to many different people. You ask ten people what their definition of success is, and you might get ten different answers. The common denominator is that most of us are striving to achieve it. No matter what the definition, success is something we all crave. Craving success is one thing, achieving it is another. You may not know the behaviors blocking your online success. The number one obstacle in our path to success is …us! If you exhibit any of the nine behaviors below, you might be blocking your path to success without even knowing it. 1. Making Excuses Making…

  • Online Marketing

    Side Hustles You Can Start Today

    Side Hustles You Can Start Today As more and more people begin to branch out from typical 8-5 jobs, or find the need to acquire an extra income, a side hustle becomes the perfect option. Side hustles take up less time than a full-time job, and can provide an extra pocket of income that can become a safety net for more challenging weeks. As prices increase with soaring inflation, jobs are harder to find. If you are growing older some jobs aren’t as easy.  Finding remote work may become necessary. Side hustles often offer the opportunity to become main sources of income.  You can put forth the time and effort…

  • Mindset

    Embracing The Power of Thinking Big

    Have you heard the catchphrase “Embracing the Power of Thinking Big”? Such phrases are popular and people throw around inspiring words in motivational readings, and in social media posts like they are a dime a dozen. Mindset and manifestation are the latest trend. But perhaps people have finally caught up to the importance of mindset to get what you want. Bob Proctor was one of the earliest and best know “prosperity teachers” and he lived exactly has he taught. What can taking control of your mindset and envisioning your future do for you? Does a strong mental game have the power to change your entire life? I would say yes,…

  • Online Marketing

    Advantages of Becoming an Entrepreneur

    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be your own boss? Becoming an entrepreneur can be a tough road, but it does come with numerous advantages. Imagine having the power to manage your own schedule, finances, and decisions. There is a common thread that connects all these advantages and that is Freedom, This freedom can transform different areas of your life. If you’ve ever thought about breaking free from regular employment, then the journey into entrepreneurship awaits you. It’s not always easy, but it could be what you have been craving your whole life. Is it time to let go of your current job and embrace the idea of…

  • Productivity

    Tips for Getting Organized

    Tips for Getting Organized So You Can Better Plan Your Day In order to be productive, it is important to get organized. This means creating a system where you can easily find what you need when you need it. It also means setting aside time for the tasks that are most important to you. A little bit of organization can go a long way in helping you achieve your goals. There are several ways you can go about organizing your tasks and responsibilities, and we’ve included some below to help you get started. Here are 6 tips that have helped me. 1. Set goals Setting attainable goals can help you…

  • Productivity

    Digital Spring Cleaning Tips

    Digital Spring Cleaning Tips We are into the 2nd quarter now and many of us have had our lives turned upside down with the crazy current situation in the world. Your original planning for the year is probably off track to some degree and your income may have faltered. Now’s the time to do a little digital spring cleaning and planning and sweep out the cobwebs and create a new plan. You may not be feeling too creative or are being distracted by news or others now stuck at home with you. I know I am use to having my workspace at home with few interruptions but now my husband…

  • Mindset

    Remedies for Fear

    Remedies for Fear We are all living in very uncertain times right now. Scary times. We need remedies for fear. Many of us have had our lives completely disrupted with loss of income, illness and even death. My heart breaks for every loss. If you are spending your days glued to the news and social media you are even more stressed out. And stress isn’t healthy. Fear may be overtaking your life. I want to focus on encouraging you and empowering you with some quick remedies for fear. Give these ideas some consideration for how to overcome fear. How Do I Get Rid Of Fear

  • Health Strategies,  Mindset

    Staying Positive in Tough Times

    Staying Positive in Tough Times Most of us can agree that positive thinking is important. It tends to make us feel better, be more productive, and reduces stress. The problem is, our lives aren’t always rosy. Crises happen – be it on a personal level or something more widespread like the Coronavirus. Everyone is scared and the chaos going on in our world leaves us feeling fragile and ill equipped to deal with it. That reality is a part of everyone’s life now, and it makes keeping your spirits up tough. But this is a time to demonstrate good habits and lead from the heart. If you are struggling to…

  • Health Strategies

    Coronavirus Fear Is Normal

    Coronavirus Fear Is Normal Each day more news is circulating on the latest updates and stats on Coronavirus. And it is scary. Coronavirus fear is normal. People are ill and people are dying. If you are like me and plenty of other entrepreneurs we tend to be a pretty optimistic bunch. Pushing our fears aside and forging ahead is what we do. But this is different. This isn’t a fear of failure or an obstacle that hard work will overcome. This type of fear brings out our worse fears of whether we can protect our loved ones. It’s OK to feel this and acknowledge it and then be proactive with…

  • Health Strategies

    Protect Yourself From The Corona Virus

    Protect Yourself From The Corona Virus As of March 11th, 2020, the Corona Virus (COVID-19) has been recognized as a worldwide pandemic. We have known about the virus ever since it hit China last month, but now that it is at your door you need to protect yourself. Here in the United States our President took initial action to limit our exposure and more is currently being done. But we have personal responsibility too. Identifying symptoms is important so that you can get help and avoid infecting others, particularly the elderly whom seem the most vulnerable, and those with under lying health conditions. Don’t Panic It is important to stay…